Part Time job through online for Pharma Candidates.
I am running a manuscript service company based in China. In the past three years our company has recruited more than 10 experienced ones from India. As our company expands, we need more and more experienced phd or post-docs from biology, medicine, pharmacy, medical chemistry fields to join in us. Our work is to revise or write manuscripts for our clients. Our work is very flexible, you can work at home as a part time job. Our payment is 10 times higher than the similar companies in india, but we need high quality of work. Now we only have three vacancies left, we only consider people who have several index publications.
Our requirement is
1. Candidates have to have SCI/SCIE index publications (Science citation index or index expanded )
2. We consider people from medicine, pharmacy, medical chemistry, and biology. If you are from biology, we prefer to consider people who have mammalian cell lines experience priority.
If you have publications, but you are not phd or post-doc, it is also fine.
If you are interested in this kind of part time job and want to know more details, please contact me by email, my email ID (
I am running a manuscript service company based in China. In the past three years our company has recruited more than 10 experienced ones from India. As our company expands, we need more and more experienced phd or post-docs from biology, medicine, pharmacy, medical chemistry fields to join in us. Our work is to revise or write manuscripts for our clients. Our work is very flexible, you can work at home as a part time job. Our payment is 10 times higher than the similar companies in india, but we need high quality of work. Now we only have three vacancies left, we only consider people who have several index publications.
Our requirement is
1. Candidates have to have SCI/SCIE index publications (Science citation index or index expanded )
2. We consider people from medicine, pharmacy, medical chemistry, and biology. If you are from biology, we prefer to consider people who have mammalian cell lines experience priority.
If you have publications, but you are not phd or post-doc, it is also fine.
If you are interested in this kind of part time job and want to know more details, please contact me by email, my email ID (
Is student eligible for the part time jobs